David ‘Neil’ Moakley

Emily Moakley / Named Memorial

This Memorial Fund is set up to remove the negative stigma associated with suicide. By doing this it is my hope that lives can be saved. Changing the negative connotations of suicide is my ultimate hope so my husband’s life and death can continue to have meaning despite this horrible tragedy.
  • $50


  • $1,500


  • 1


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  • Emily Moakley

    $50.00 / 1837 days ago

    I love and miss you my Neily ❤️

About David ‘Neil’ Moakley

Suicide is the end result for some individuals battling some form of severe depression; a mental disorder, addiction/alcoholism, or dealing with a long suffering illness. Suicide or suicidal thoughts are nothing for the person or their loved ones to be ashamed or embarrassed about. These people are not weak or crazy, they are sick. Spreading awareness and removing negative stereotypes could encourage people to ask for help-therefore saving lives....

What I could say about Neil couldn’t be contained in enough words. He was a loving father, husband, brother, son, and friend. He loved to make everyone laugh and was always the ‘life of the party’. Him and I were together for 8 years and married 7-not near long enough as I would have liked. That short amount of time made such an impact and changed my life for the better.  He not only was my life partner, but he gave me the 2 most precious gifts of my life-my 2 boys, Will and Drew. Neil also gave me ‘bonus’ children and family that I’m grateful are still in my life today and always will be. 

These donations go to the S.A.V.E. Foundation in order to help suicide victims, the surviving families, and anyone who has, or who ever might be, affected by suicide. Neil always wanted to help others. My prayer is that as long as I continue to trust God during this dark time, He will take something meant to destroy my family and turn it into something that can enhance and grow His Kingdom. 

In Jesus Name, 

Please take a look at this article Neil’s sister text me the other day. It’s worth noting that not everyone who tries or who tries and succeeds in harming themselves have some form of ‘alcoholic’ or ‘addiction’ tendencies, but it is VERY prevalent. Had my husband been sober that horrible night, I believe with all my heart he would still be with us today ❤️ 

‘When We Talk About Suicide, We Need to Talk About Addiction’ — thedailybeast.com

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