Elliott Blake Boles

SAVE Staff / Named Memorial

Loving son, brother, nephew, cousin, grandson, and friend
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About Elliott Blake Boles

Born 8.2.1986 – Lost 10.19.2009 As a boy Blake was a huge fan of Ghostbusters, or “Gobubus,” along with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This then fueled Blake’s active imagination, creating games, such as “Panty-hose Ninja,” “Bat in the Basement” and “Roofball.” He was the first to rise each day, ready for the day’s events, asking at 7am “what’s for dinner?,” but always the first to bed. He was a natural athlete, but an avid reader of Robert Jordan and Terry Goodkind. His favorite hobbies were paintball, airsoft, movies with the family and especially computer gaming. He was the happiest when his sisters joined him for the adventures. He enjoyed outdoor activities, especially the 4th of July and camping trips to Ocracoke with his parents and all his siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. Blake loved learning and excelled in all levels of his education. As a debater on EVERYTHING, he would always win and make you feel as though you knew nothing, and with his plans to become a lawyer, he would have won every case. Blake will always be known for his warm smile and the passion that he gave to everything he did. He has left us with broken hearts yet wonderful memories. What is so hard is not thinking about the memories we had with him, but rather the fact that we will not be able to create more with him. Although Blake will never live with us in the physical realm, he will forever live through us in memories, spirit, and above all, love! We love you, Blake!

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