Brandon "Carter" Combs

Kimberly Duffle / Named Memorial

To create awareness to those around the world that knew Brandon 'Carter'...depression is an illness that cannot be seen or heard.
  • $6,298


  • $3,000


  • 63


Recent Transactions

  • Aldemar Diaz

    $50.00 / 1708 days ago

  • Eric Ledermann

    $50.00 / 1848 days ago

  • Barbara Prinkey

    $75.00 / 1857 days ago

    May you find your peace, Amigo. Will always smile when I think of you. B.

  • Alex Knudsen

    $250.00 / 1857 days ago

  • Linda Wiemers

    $30.00 / 1857 days ago

  • Philip Ricciardi

    $50.00 / 1859 days ago

    Rest in Peace Carter. For the friends and family of Carter, I wish you strength during this time of difficulty. Whether it is yourself or someone you know that might be struggling with depression, reach out and ask for help. There is a lot of good out there, and whether you realize it or not, you are never alone.

  • Christopher Frione

    $25.00 / 1860 days ago

  • Brea Taylor-Munro

    $25.00 / 1860 days ago

  • Andrew Palmer

    $50.00 / 1860 days ago

  • James Derby

    $50.00 / 1860 days ago

    RIP to a beloved member of the watch community. He will be missed and his mark was left on so many.

  • Calvin Knight

    $100.00 / 1860 days ago

    RIP to a beloved member of the watch community

  • Michelle Traw

    $100.00 / 1860 days ago

    I saw Brandon recently and he was smiling and so sweet and caring. That is how I will always think of him. What a dear person. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.

  • Ricardo Sime

    $25.00 / 1860 days ago

    May peace be with you. May all your pain be washed away. May you know how much you're missed.

  • Jonathan Ferrer

    $100.00 / 1860 days ago

    Really enjoyed our conversations and I’ll miss you so much man.

  • DAVe Allen

    $3.00 / 1860 days ago

  • Henry Ly

    $100.00 / 1861 days ago

  • Alex Kuang

    $100.00 / 1861 days ago

  • Josh Slimmer

    $100.00 / 1864 days ago

  • Joanna Vega Provost

    $50.00 / 1864 days ago

  • Richard Vinhais

    $200.00 / 1864 days ago

    Rest easy my friend

  • Ryan Ball

    $25.00 / 1866 days ago

    May the love and compassion you showed towards all things and everyone live throughout us eternally.

  • Renee Sanders

    $100.00 / 1866 days ago

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray for your family.

  • Kathleen McGivney

    $250.00 / 1867 days ago

    Carter was a bright light in this world and will be missed. The global watch community mourns this loss.

  • Diane Montgomery

    $100.00 / 1867 days ago

    I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that God will continue to walk with you and your family during this time.

  • Philip Martin

    $50.00 / 1867 days ago

About Brandon "Carter" Combs

So many of us knew Brandon "Carter" as a funny, loving, humble, genuine, caring...the list goes on and on. Sadly, even those of us closest to him, didn't know of the illness he struggled with. Remember, people are not always as they seem. Life is complicated. Reach out to those you love and love on them often.

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