• $6,298


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  • 63


Recent Transactions

  • Aldemar Diaz

    $50.00 / 1707 days ago

  • Eric Ledermann

    $50.00 / 1847 days ago

  • Barbara Prinkey

    $75.00 / 1856 days ago

    May you find your peace, Amigo. Will always smile when I think of you. B.

  • Alex Knudsen

    $250.00 / 1856 days ago

  • Linda Wiemers

    $30.00 / 1856 days ago

  • Philip Ricciardi

    $50.00 / 1858 days ago

    Rest in Peace Carter. For the friends and family of Carter, I wish you strength during this time of difficulty. Whether it is yourself or someone you know that might be struggling with depression, reach out and ask for help. There is a lot of good out there, and whether you realize it or not, you are never alone.

  • Christopher Frione

    $25.00 / 1859 days ago

  • Brea Taylor-Munro

    $25.00 / 1859 days ago

  • Andrew Palmer

    $50.00 / 1859 days ago

  • James Derby

    $50.00 / 1859 days ago

    RIP to a beloved member of the watch community. He will be missed and his mark was left on so many.

  • Calvin Knight

    $100.00 / 1859 days ago

    RIP to a beloved member of the watch community

  • Michelle Traw

    $100.00 / 1859 days ago

    I saw Brandon recently and he was smiling and so sweet and caring. That is how I will always think of him. What a dear person. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.

  • Ricardo Sime

    $25.00 / 1859 days ago

    May peace be with you. May all your pain be washed away. May you know how much you're missed.

  • Jonathan Ferrer

    $100.00 / 1859 days ago

    Really enjoyed our conversations and I’ll miss you so much man.

  • DAVe Allen

    $3.00 / 1859 days ago

  • Henry Ly

    $100.00 / 1860 days ago

  • Alex Kuang

    $100.00 / 1860 days ago

  • Josh Slimmer

    $100.00 / 1863 days ago

  • Joanna Vega Provost

    $50.00 / 1863 days ago

  • Richard Vinhais

    $200.00 / 1863 days ago

    Rest easy my friend

  • Ryan Ball

    $25.00 / 1865 days ago

    May the love and compassion you showed towards all things and everyone live throughout us eternally.

  • Renee Sanders

    $100.00 / 1865 days ago

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray for your family.

  • Kathleen McGivney

    $250.00 / 1866 days ago

    Carter was a bright light in this world and will be missed. The global watch community mourns this loss.

  • Diane Montgomery

    $100.00 / 1866 days ago

    I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that God will continue to walk with you and your family during this time.

  • Philip Martin

    $50.00 / 1866 days ago

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